Pinal County Inmate Search and Jail Roster
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Pinal County AZ Inmate Search
If you are looking for inmate information in Pinal County AZ, you are in the right place. You can find out about the prisoner's records, mugshots and visitation hours.
Visitation hours
Visitors can visit inmates at the Pinal County Jail in Arizona. These visits are free, but visitors must follow visiting regulations.
The minimum amount of time is one hour. Depending on the inmate's custody level, longer visits may be permitted.
To make a valid visit, visitors must be at least 18 years of age. They must provide acceptable identification, including a government-issued photo ID. In addition to visiting, visitors can mail letters and packages to the inmate's address.
A number of facilities have lockers for visitors to store personal items. Lockers are subject to a search. Some facilities have photo machines that accept coins and gold dollars.
Video visits are also available. Using a computer and Securus Video Visit app, visitors can connect with an inmate.
Video visits are not available on weekends or holidays. Additionally, visitors may be turned away if they arrive late.
All visitors must pass a criminal background check. Visitors may be denied visitation if they have any warrants, are underage, or are co-defendants.
Each facility has a maximum number of people allowed in each inmate's visiting room. This is determined by the facility and by the inmate's custody level.
Visitors must wear appropriate clothing and shoes. No one is permitted to wear miniskirts, low cut necklines, or offensive language. Bringing pictures or items such as gum into the visiting area is also prohibited.
Visitors should arrive at least an hour before the visiting room's closing time. If no visiting room is open, visitors should leave their belongings at their vehicle.
The Pinal County Sheriff's Office has a hotline that's open Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. You can find more information on the Pinal County Jail website.
Mugshots taken
A mugshot is a picture of a person that is taken while he is in custody. The mugshot is a full face photo and it is usually displayed as the side picture of the jail processing card.
In 1888, French police officer Alphonse Bertillon standardized the mugshot process. Today, mugshots are used by investigators to identify bad guys. Mugshots are also used in the Pinal County inmate search.
Most states have their own Department of Corrections websites. These websites provide a variety of information. These include inmate names, locations, and other important details.
Arrest records are also a great source of information. They contain details on misdemeanors, felonies, warrants, and other pertinent information.
One of the most common questions is, "How do I get a mugshot of a loved one?" Well, the answer is simple: you can visit the Pinal County Adult Detention Center website.
The site has an inmate search, an inmate roster, and information on arrests in the last 24 hours. You can find information about inmate mail, including a list of available inmate mail carriers.
In the world of inmates, mugshots are rarely sealed. However, the court system can seal an arrest record if there is a petition to expunge.
Other options include using an online database. Most states have a search engine that lists a variety of criminal information. This can include mugshots, driving history, and other similar information.
Another option is to call the local police department. Many will have a list of mugshots for people they have arrested in the past. But, you will have to pay to access the information.
When visiting an inmate, make sure you follow the rules of the county. It is illegal to send or receive a threatening letter to an inmate.
Prisoner records available to the public
The Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff's Office provides public records through its database. Its jail roster is a public resource that contains information on inmates, including their full name, alias, race, and date of birth. These are useful insights about a person.
If you want to contact an inmate, you can do so through the Pinal County Jail's website. Calls can be made between 8 am and 9 pm. However, calls after 15 minutes will be cut off. You may also contact an inmate by mail. But, you should send the letter to the address that is on the inmate's file.
If you want to know more about an inmate's arrest stats, you can also use the Pinal County booking record. This record contains details about a crime, the charges against the person, the name of the arresting officer, the mugshot, and other relevant information.
Pinal County also maintains a statewide sex offender registry. You can check it out to find out if your loved one is an incarcerated person.
To request an inmate's records, you should follow the process of submitting an inmate search request. Once you submit the request, the Department will process your request. After it is completed, you will receive a copy of the record.
You can search for prisoner records online using the Inmate DataSearch tool. There are options available to search by gender, age, release status, and other factors. Moreover, you can choose to search by inmate's ADC number.
Pinal County has the highest jail incarceration rate in Arizona. According to data, the rate was higher in males, at 889 per 100,000 residents. However, women were incarcerated at a much lower rate, at 88 per 100,000 women.
Average jail count
Pinal County in Arizona has the highest jail incarceration rate in the state. The average number of inmates in the county is 488.
Inmates in the county are mostly men. However, the fastest growing group of inmates is women. Women are mostly women of color. These women have experienced trauma and have unmet mental health needs.
Pinal County is home to the largest number of female inmates in the state. They make up 12% of the total population.
The majority of women in custody are single mothers. Their incarceration rates have risen over the last several decades.
A majority of the incarcerated women are from low income communities of color. This is especially true in the areas that have experienced violence and crime in recent years.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics' last public report covered data from December 2013. Although it ended nearly three years ago, the state continues to release new data on a weekly basis. Previously, it also provided daily updates. During a planned system maintenance period, the state was unable to announce any new data.
Some of the most significant changes were the addition of more cases, as well as a backlog of older cases. While the increase in cases was less than anticipated, it still added an estimated 600 cases from previous months.
Also, the state added an additional 600 cases from Pinal County. This increased the overall incarceration count by a full 10%.
Pinal County is also the fastest growing county in the state. Its growth has been more than a hundred percent over the last decade.
In order to keep up with the increase in the inmate population, the Pinal County Jail expanded in 2006. At the time of the expansion, it had a bed capacity of 472. Today, the jail has a bed capacity of 1,503.
The Pinal County Sheriff's Office is the 28th largest sheriff's office in the nation. It features the country's most technologically advanced 911 center.
Males incarcerated in Pinal County AZ
Pinal County, Arizona, has the highest jail incarceration rate in the state. In 2005, there were 5,768 incarcerations in the county per year. This statistic does not include federal, state, or local jails.
The largest number of inmates in the Pinal County Jail are males. While the female incarceration rate has declined by 4% over the past four years, the male incarceration rate has increased by 21%.
Most inmates in Pinal County have been convicted of misdemeanors, but some serious felons have also been confined in the facility. For example, two inmates attacked a guard in 2016 and nearly killed him.
Some other noteworthy facts about the Pinal County Jail include its first accreditation in June 2011. It was one of only a few in the state to receive accreditation.
Additionally, the Pinal County Jail was selected as a pilot site by the National Sheriffs' Association for Jail Operations. At that time, the facility was reaccredited in December 2013.
In addition to its reaccreditation, the facility was rated at a maximum capacity of 1,503. The Jail also has a user-friendly website that updates inmates' status every 15 minutes. Also, the jail has a Hotline that is available Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm and weekends 8:00am-4:00pm.
Finally, the Pinal County Jail offers a commissary account. This allows inmates to purchase food and canteen items. They must send mail to the PO Box 867. If an inmate has a medical condition, they will need to get approval from the administration before receiving treatment.
Pinal County, AZ, is one of the fastest growing counties in the state. Currently, the population is 425,000. A third of the state's prison population is located in this county. As a result, it is important to make sure the criminal justice system is proportional to the crime.